-Went to Safford/Thatcher for my first time ever. Not the WORST place in the world. No really it was fun. My ward is having this mass influx of people moving from there and I've been so curious as to what the talk of this strange land was all about. I really REALLY loved it! I went for the 4th of July with Alissa and Limher. Perfect little getaway.
-I quit my Lifetime job and then went back after a week. Due to a crappy situation I threw away 4 years of working for that company. And then I went into the garbage can and took it back out for round 2. Maybe it was round 3, or 4... who knows how many times I've REALLY quit that place. The children were AWESOME this summer though. You spend enough time with the same kids and they really become a part of you. I would go home after 11 hour work days and still be thinking about them, if they were ok, if they were going to behave the next day. I'm sad this is my last and final summer doing this. It makes me wonder how much of an impact I've made on them because I can only tell you the impact that has been set on me. Here's our traditional food fight... I got SLAUGHTERED.

Swimtime. Its awesome.

Our also traditional talent show. Counselor talent = eat donuts with no hands.

-Bought the new Coldplay album!! Holy moly. Please, everyone, everywhere, BUY IT! Their other albums- Parachutes, Rush of Blood to the Head, X & Y (whatever else I'm missing) & millions of bsides have been the building ground for this album. Viva la Vida. "But that was when I ruled the world..." And GREAT news! They are coming to Phoenix for the US Tour- guess who's going?? That's right. Yours truly... November 26.

-My best friend, Limher Montoya, left on his mission. I thought it would be a lot harder than it is. I just love that kid and I truly do miss him. And in all honesty, I did cry the night I said goodbye. But I just feel SO happy for him and where he's at because I know HE'S happy! I got my first letter from him. It was better than any missionary letter I've ever received. Ever.

-I fell in love with my cute singles ward. I made so many friends. Got a fun little calling (I can say "fun" now that its over... blasted ward directory) and just really enjoyed myself. I know that if you put yourself out there and make the effort to meet people and have a good experience, it CAN happen.
-I went to two awesome concerts. Joshua Radin/Vanessa Carlton/Alexa Awesome... and PARAMORE! So sweaty, but so awesome. I always tend to run into this problem at concerts...

-I went to Oceanside, Californ-i-a. AH! It was incredible. I only was there for a couple days because my dear friend, Mrs. Dawnee Ray Godfrey, married her Robert the same week. I tell you what- after doing the same thing all summer long and working hard and long through it, its nice to have a vacation. I have had this trip planned since March. Motel booked and everything. The beach was 5 minutes walking distance from our motel. The weather was PERFECT. Beach, shopping, eating, guitar, bonfires, pier sitting, morning jogging on the beach, beach, beach, beach, evening olympics, hotel workers... all of the above made for the whole experience. Here's me, Jackie, & Katie eating on the pier at Ruby's. Bliss.

Dawnee's Reception!
-Wrote my first couple of songs. I feel so awesome after writing a song! If you ever ask me to play them, I may act like I don't know what you're talking about or claim to have never memorized them. This is because of my fear of embarrassing myself. Sorry friends.
THERE YA GO. I hope you enjoyed your summer as much as I did mine.