We have proof- we DO do stuff! Contrary to what you may believe, we aren't just boring, non-eventful people. And I have the pictures to prove it. These were all the good pictures I had on my camera.

My co-workers and I said goodbye to our dear Nathan Askins. Lifetime Fitness feels empty without him. He's serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Brazil. We sure miss you, Mr. Nathan!
EASTER PAGEANT! Worst seats ever. We really enjoyed it though. Thanks to Ashley and Trevor for coming with us. No pictures of our friends, only us. Apparently we only take pictures of ourselves.
Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill. Yes, you got it. My first (and definitely last) bar experience. I was way bummed that Toby wasn't there. I guess he really doesn't love that bar and grill.
So there you have it. Ryan and I are completely capable of doing stuff. I'm excited for summer time- I'll be sure to document all our cool adventures.