What a fabulous time of the year this is! I just celebrated my 22nd birthday and loved it. Ryan surprised me with a trip to Scottsdale. I've been dying to go on vacation for a while (mainly because I love hotels) and my wish came true! We called this trip our "babymoon". (thebump.com told us having a babymoon would ease the pregnancy. I like to believe that that's true.)
We had our first ultra-sound on the 22nd and heard the baby's heart beat! What a neat experience. Because our baby has a heart complication we're going back for a follow-up ultra-sound this coming Monday. Ryan and I are confident that this little baby will be fine. But oh the stress it can bring when you carry a baby! Wish us luck on Monday.
I hope you all had a lovely October and enjoy your Halloween!
(Oh- and Happy Birthday to Joelle this weekend :))