I think I'm going BLOGCRAZY! I just have down time with no more classes and finals in a week that I'm lovin' this free life. Wish it were this simple ALL the time.
So my roommate Genevieve Lynette Pipes has blessed my lifethis year. It's so hard to think that we've lived together for almost 8 months now and that it will just be over and end when finals are done. We are so different and so much alike. And because of this we have been able to lift eachother up this school year and be best friends. I really love her. Just like I would if I had a sister... and if she had one too. So I decided to make a montage of funny pictures we've taken this year and tribute it to my girl, G.

Nice to meet you, Gen's stuff. This was all I had to verify that someone was moving in with me. She had a lot of.... junk. :) It was on that very bed on our first night together that I steamrolled her.

Saturday mornings are our FAVORITE! There's no need to shower or look cute... as one might very well be able to see. That's why I love her so much- because she doesn't judge me :)

Gen and I thought we were so funny. One time when we were wrestling she high-kicked me in my face... in my braces.

Krispy Kreme Night! We proved to be our best selves. Gen will eat anything and she doesn't believe in expiration dates.

The closing dance! We are such good dancers. Gen can shake it good. She's taught me a lot.
I love my Gen! She's such a good girl. Gen... you crazy!