I absolutely love my decision in minoring in Art History. I have learned so much this semester in my 202 class and want so much to be an art scholar. I love anything from Romanticism to Modernism. It's interesting to me how certain individuals really struggle opening their minds to different styles of art. Many find Duchamp's Fountain to be anything BUT art and feel perturbed just looking at it. I say "Touche Duchamp." He set out to test the Academic tradition of art and succeeded. He's an artist in my book. And in my text book.
As I've learned different elements of art I find myself critiquing EVERYTHING around me and identifying with objects that I wouldn't have otherwise thought captivating. There have been certain characteristics about my surroundings in where I live and attended to this year that have really imprinted a comfortable image on my memory. And now that the school year is quickly closing, and the weather improving drastically, I wish I would have appreciated the little things more.
Provo's mountains are incredible. Absolutely breathtaking. My small kitchen window shoots straight towards Y-Mountain and makes for a pick-me-up during dishes days. Arizona has lovely scenes of mountains but I've never lived this close to an incredible piece of nature. And the people here just fascinate me... their day to day lives and routines. I love just sitting outside and watching people pass by. We are truly manufactured beings in our machine-set ways. Even the Swords and Quills club can't escape their expectations. But I love it. I love the art in them as well. Do I sound completely full of bull? I don't mean to. I guess what I'm trying to say is whether accepted or not, art is in EVERYTHING. Gustave Courbet says it best... “Fine art is knowledge made visible.” Thank you, father of Realism, for... keeping it real.
You sound full of bull.
Ok, not really. I totally get what you are saying. It's hard to live in a place like Monterey and not appreciate art such as the mountains and the beach here. I probably don't appreciate "real art" as much as I should, but at least I don't spit on it or anything like that. That's something, right? I think it's the more modern stuff that I have a hard time with. But, what can you do?
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