Being home is awesome. I was able to meet two new very special people. My new niece, Samantha Jewel Walker was the first. She is adored by everyone, especially her big sister, Emma. And what a good big sister she is!
The second was my dear friend Mindi's baby boy, Logan. He's already three weeks old and so big! He told me I was his favorite babysitter.
It's a time for change and for new faces! Today marks the end of the first week of summer camp with new counselors and new kids. One week down, eleven to go! But we have an awesome staff this summer. Unfortunately, our enrollment numbers are low and we are seriously over-staffed. And since I'm in charge of scheduling the counselors I also hear all about the sad stories and circumstances everyone's in and why they need money badly. It's stressful! Such hard times. But the kids are awesome and make it all worth it!
I bought a wedding dress! For only $100! Can you believe it? I found it at a bridal salon called Azteca in Phoenix. Its not completely what I love, so Mr. William's aunt is going to alter and fix it into a version of this....

I can't decide on a wedding announcement layout. And because they are so expensive I don't know whether to order them or just make them myself. All these decisions... vellum or no? Ribbon? A collage of pictures or just one? My colors are chocolate brown, pale yellow, and cream, and I'm having a hard time seeing an invitation with those colors. I got two months and 9 days. Wish me luck!
I think I may not go to ASU next semester and just take a full load at Mesa Community College. Since I have so many generals to take, I know it'll be a heck of a lot cheaper. And frankly, Mr. Williams and I can't afford much at this point. Our 'eating out' budget always exceeds the monthly goal because I just love my Applebees and Chipotle too much. Everything seemed cheaper in Provo. I'm still waiting for Cecil Samuelson to call me up on the phone and personally invite me and Ryan back to the Y, free of charge. Kind of like his apology for denying us.
But regardless of the busy busy days and high angst, I am so grateful to have time with my family and with Mr. Williams especially. He was so excited to show up to work and find two free tickets to the Dbacks game this week! He graciously took me. Date night couldn't have been better!

So we are wedding twiners! I got my dress at Azteca for a steal AND I used those same colors, with the addition of sage green. Great minds think alike I guess! Love the wedding dress! :)
Do I hear the beginings of Bride War's #2 here?
Seriously, the dress will be beautiful, but not more so than the bride in it.
With your colors of brown, yellow and cream a sepia tone picture of the bride and groom would be nice. Just a thought.
hey, do you think we should do lunch soon?
because i do,
and if it means we need to have a sack lunch date to cut the cost,
i'm down. please!!!!!!!!!!!!
that dress is everything right in life!! wow. it's heavenly.
So..hopefully that auntie of his works some magic, eh? :)
also, i like your niece's a-dor-able glasses.
also, did you know i'm naming my first daughter Daphne?? Good thing there's a dress named after her...
k i love you. don't miss provo too much.....perhaps i'll move home in the fall and then you won't miss ME either. So many problems solved!
I love that dress!
I love that dress Caraline. It is you. We miss you!
Caralina! ...i love you!
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