Monday, September 28, 2009

Yummy grapes.

I have had several failed attempts to find myself some yummy grapes. The Walmart on Arizona Avenue and Pecos has a poor produce selection. So! I have rotated grocery stores trying to find grapes that weren't too sour or too squishy. I thought I found the perfect batch at Basha's. Thought. I then bit into one and nearly choked on the seeds. Seeds in grapes?? This is absurd. How could I have not known about this? All I want are yummy, SEEDLESS grapes. Preferably kinds that look like this...

Yesterday, I applied for a second job. I walked into the store feeling slightly nervous to hand the manager an application. In fact, I don't think I've ever physically turned in an application before. Thanks to modern technology, every job I have received was over internet application. Those feelings of being the new kid at school reminded me that I AM the new kid in town. This semester epitomizes change in my life. New school, new life, and now a new job. I walked in the store feeling vulnerable and clueless. It took me a whole minute to realize that I wasn't just anyone applying for this job... I am Caraline Lea Walker Williams (the first), and I am a darn good applicant for ANY job. I hope to get it! With all this free time, I find myself twiddling my thumbs and making up things to do with my spare time. Another job is what I need. More MONEY is what we need. So I can buy this...
... minus the half-head and arms. I would pay a couple extra bucks for the hair though. Anyway! Today is a sick day for me. I switched birth control yesterday and spent the whole night re-evaluating yet ANOTHER change... over the toilet. Oh well. Maybe I can convince Ryan to buy me some yummy grapes so I can feel better :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Shin splints and broken disposals.

I have homework and laundry to do... but not before I blog. NEVER before I blog.

If you need a good c.d. to buy, I suggest the new Pete Yorn and Scarlette Johansson's BREAK UP album. It was suggested to me and now I pass along the wise suggestion. Pay it forward.

Don't you just love those moments when you resolve to change your ways and do better at something? Most of the time, those moments are short lived. We tossle with ideas of personal improvement and usually check these mental attempts off our lists. However, I have decided to make a public goal for personal health by posting a blog. My epiphany happened a couple weeks ago in a cycling class. I was riding up a steep, imaginary hill when I almost crashed on my bike. I was overwhelmed by my teacher screaming for us all to catch up to first place. Trying to pass up fifty other stationary bikes was a hard task. And it was in that moment that I searched the inner parts of my sweaty soul (and spandex) and realized that there was no REAL good reason why I shouldn't win the race. Or rather, why I don't push my physical endurance more often. I really couldn't answer my own question. And then I became really excited and determined to run marathons for the rest of my life. And to quit eating so many bagels.

In conclusion, Ryan and I ran two miles last night. Hence, the shin splints. It's a start but it's also the beginning to a new, healthy way of life. Ultimately, I want to write a healthy cook book and include cool pictures of me holding a delicious salad on a bicycle, or drinking a fruit smoothie on the top of a mountain. I'm catching the wave.

Now, I haven't caught the excitement wave of house cleaning quite yet. No epiphanies on better dusting strategies or bed making. There are times that I actually love cleaning- like to the point of obsessing over having a spotless faucet. I find it both stressful and relaxing. Maybe it just depends on my attitude. Last night, I was in a pretty good cleaning mood... so I did the dishes and shoved all unwanted foods down the disposal. Not a great idea. As I turned on the dishwasher and started up the disposal, a huge, constant flow of water knocked the rubber liner out of my sink and shot out into my living room. I was pretty impressed with my sink's abilities to literally dispose of everything and pretty disappointed in my inability to make good choices. I thought I broke it and spent the next hour worrying I would flood the apartment. Ryan fixed it. He's just good at fixing things.

In conclusion, I have decided that it's time to invest in robot maids. Who's with me? Rosie was one sassy robot.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

World's Greatest

Do you remember that movie about Muhummad Ali starring Will Smith? It's theme song is stuck in my head and gave me the title to this blog.

I had the world's greatest wedding! The whole day was awesome- few glitches here and there but it didn't matter because I was surrounded by family, friends and food. The three most important F's. Some of my highlights for the wedding day:

*Grandpa Walker sealed us in the LDS Temple. He was the officiator of the wedding and made the day so much more memorable for the whole family.
*My dress was incredible- BETTER than J.crew. Last week I finally received an email saying that J.crew dress had been located on eBay, and if I wanted it, it was mine. Total cost of J.crew dress = $1,800. Total cost of my dress = $165. ZING!
*My mom did my hair and it was perrrrfect! We practiced a lot. She's the queen of up-do's.
*Matthew cracked his head open at the luncheon, which technically isn't a "highlight" but it is noteworthy (poor guy).

I just loved the entire experience and am so glad it's over! After two receptions, I am convinced that wedding stuff is overrated. However, the honeymoon is not overrated. Between brown bath water, "diarrhea since Easters", and jet ski chaffing, Ryan and I had the world's greatest honeymoon! We really had a lot of fun. We met some fun people and enjoyed the Mexican waiters who knew only few English words like "bon a ppetite" (which is actually French... but we didn't tell them that). Since it's Mexico, I did get sick, but continued to eat as many tacos and jalapeño poppers as possible. No upset stomach can stop me from eating the spiciest of foods.

We were glad to get home but were not glad to find the black mold in our apartment. Thankfully, it is now removed and neither of us show signs of tuberculosis. We've settled in and enjoy our darling apartment, mostly furnished and mostly odorless. We appreciate all those that sent gifts and money and deeply appreciate the value of a good knife. Ryan and I are both in school and working, and we enjoy the moments when we can just sit and veg. Ryan loves football season, playing basketball, and his iPhone almost as much as he loves me, and he is often found involved in one of the three in his spare time. I have been cooking everything I can find recipes for: artichoke dip, homemade pizza, muffins, cookies... the list is only growing. Ryan told me I couldn't cook anything new for a while because the leftovers are overflowing our fridge. I'm a little hesitant, but will resist.

Life is just new and fun right now. We've decided to re-apply to BYU for the Summer term. I'm nervous. The first time Ryan applied was just a kick-in-the-pants process and we don't know that this time will be any different. However, Ryan catches me wearing my BYU shirt daily and looking on their website often, and knows where my heart is. I miss it dearly and would much rather be there than here. But we do what we do! And we're happy all the way :) So wish us luck!

Oh, I also have the world's greatest husband. That includes this world and the many others. My married blogging life is taking off!