Happy Birthday to my niece, Emma LeaAnn Walker.
Aren't you getting so big and grown-up?
Six-years old is a huge milestone in your life.
Don't let the boys boss you around.
And remember, YOU are the queen of sass.
I love you Emma Lou Lou.
Happy Birthday to Grandma Walker and to Lindsey Walker.
I love you both and wish you didn't live so far.
Grandma, I miss your stories.
Lindsey, I miss your baby bump.
Happy Birthday to my roommate, Jill Burnham.
Maybe when we're old, rich women we can take luxury vaca's together.
I miss playing "Would You Rather?" and completely grossing ourselves out.
I also miss Austin Ames and wish he were real.
I miss you, Jilly.
Happy Birthday to Gandhi.
I miss saying your first name.
You were one cool dude.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi.
I just loved this picture above.
May we all celebrate each other's lives.
Have a good October!
Thanks, Caraline! Also... I think someone else (namely you) has a birthday coming up... There are just so many cool people born in October. :)
You make me laugh. Thanks heavens for you!
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