Just call me Veruca, darling. This says EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING I want right now. I want money. Never ending supply, please. I want to buy clothes... c-u-t-e clothes. I want to wear light sweaters with classic slacks and high heels. Fancy that novel idea... me + style = completely revolutionary. I want to be the owner of the Gap and use a local store as my closet where I could frolic from clothing rack to clothing rack throwing my left over clothes to Pierre, the store clerk. Pierre would blatantly tell me whether or not my light ocre top actually looked tre posh with my pleated skirt. I want it all. I want this cute little number. What do you think? Maybe, just very gently, attach my head to the top of the picture for a better representation of what I am imagining. I'm not a big online shopper, but when work becomes boring and brain waves become stale, this girlish chore does me right.

Also... I don't own one purse. I own what COULD be a purse but because of its hideous nature, I only use it on Sundays for a scripture case. It's the most important day of the week. You'd think I'd upgrade my priorities. I really just have picky picky taste with objects I like to fling over my shoulders. This tote bag is kinda cute. Not $210.00 cute... but fun to look at. :) I want a cute purse. And though I sound very Hollywood for saying this, I MAY want a cute dog to put in my purse. I mean why not? Isn't that what purses are for?
My brother Jesse said he'd give me a makeover when I got my braces off... for free. I know, what a sweetheart. He promised me a pair of shoes. I want those shoes I'm promised. Or maybe these...

What do YOU want??
may i suggest Brighton.com for their contemporary and fashion handbags... at least for browsing.
Beautiful lady! Your blog is delicious! I started reading and just couldn't stop myself! I want to commend...no wait...praise your writing. It bubbles with energy and substance. Accolades to you! What fun! I truly stumbled onto a gem with your freindship this summer. I freely smile when I am in contact with you and that, my dear, does not happen as easily as it should. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being you!
garbage sack
Hahaha love the post. Found you on Ashley Chapman's blog and I'm glad I did you are hilarious!
I would be more than happy to put your head on those clothes. Just say the word!
LOVE the shoes!
i kind of worry when you start doing this sort of thing instead of wearing plaid cut-offs.
When i say worry, you know i mean "i want to go shopping with you."
You're funny. :) You'd be way cute in that ensemble. I'm afraid you might be a little like me though in the way that you see things like this, love it and the way it looks on others but if you were to actually buy it, you'd feel a bit funny prancing around in it. Maybe I'm wrong. I just like to be comfortable so much! I'm not saying you couldn't pull it off though. You would look adorable. :)
Don't ask me how I came across your blog. (I stalk you.) But I was really excited when I did! But I thought you should know, GAP and I are like best friends. But I never have money, so our relationship suffers. Tell Jess he owes you that new wardrobe NOW!
girl- I need you to email me to update me on your...personal life :) I love you, and I am SO glad you are loving BYU!
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